Music was my first love and it will be my last.
Music of the future and music of the past.

To live without my music would be impossible to do.
In this world of troubles my music pulls me through.

John Miles – Music (1976)

My passion for music became evident to me already in my earliest childhood. The song ‘Music’ by John Miles perfectly embodies this love. Even as a young boy, this song captivated me so much that I couldn’t hold back whenever it played from the speakers, even though I didn’t understand the lyrics at that time. When I later mastered the English language, this song fascinated me again on a whole new level.

Music has the unique ability to convey emotions and moods, to evoke passion and memories. It enables us to immerse ourselves in other worlds and forget about time and worries. Music moves and motivates us equally to take action. At times it’s nostalgic, at others it fits perfectly with the zeitgeist, and sometimes it’s absolutely revolutionary and groundbreaking. Music presents countless facets, regardless of individual musical taste. It evokes something within us that is difficult to put into words.

I am DJ Ben EMPIRIOUS, or simply EMPIRIOUS. It’s important to me to move people with music. – Captivated by the beats, rhythms, sounds, and emotions of the music.

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